aguirre spring campground weather

All Rights Reserved. Please leave dogs who bark are everything the wind blows. We did fine in our 22 5th wheel. Are there any springs at least 3-4 feet deep that people can get in the water? Would return! This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. February 25-28, 2022. By claiming this listing youll be able to manage the information presented for this property. Get the latest 7 Day weather for Richmond Hill, ON, CA including weather news, video, warnings and interactive maps from the weather experts. If rustic is what it takes to find such a peaceful and scenic camping location, that's fine with us! It had rained about 4 inches the week before so the wild flowers were spectacular. DIRECTIONS: The Aguirre Spring Campground is located on the east side of Organ Mountains, east of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. "The Aguirre Spring Campground is located on the east side of Organ Mountains, east of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. Macabre Tours of Truth or Consequences in New Mexico, El Paso Indoor Skydiving Experience with 2 Flights & Personalized Certificate, El Paso Scavenger Hunt: Sun City Scavenger Hunt, Explore Las Cruces with a Unique Scavenger Hunt by Zombie Scavengers, Explore Las Cruces with a Unique Scavenger Hunt by Operation City Quest, El Paso City Scavenger Hunt Excursion by Zombie Scavengers, Get in the holiday spirit with a scavenger hunt by Holly Jolly Hunt in El Paso, Fun City Scavenger Hunt in El Paso by 3Quest Challenge, Celebrate with a Holiday Scavenger Hunt in Las Cruces with Holly Jolly Hunt. BLM says down/dead wood could be gathered, but there is not much to be found because other campers have used it. Ive seen only one pull-through. Sites are first come first serve so on weekends and holidays it does fill up. High near 70F. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies overnight. At mile 4 the road becomes a one-way loop and climbs steeply. The entrance is winding with hair pin turns. Group site reservations are required. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Spectacular Flowers on the Pine Tree Trail. There is parking at the base of the Pine Tree Trail, if you don't want to use a picnic spot. The resident summer camps offer a full week of adventure, with activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, and more, depending where you choose to go. Alligator juniper, gray oak, mountain mahogany and sotol are a few of the abundant plant species here. Then we walked a ways up the Pine Tree Trail, which is a 4 mile round trip. Take U.S. 70 for 14 miles east of the I-25/U.S. There are only about 4 sites big enough and level enough for a motor home, several more could accommodate a trailer less than 22'. Yet there is a wonderful contrast at this place. There are at least 36 picnic/campground sites. One guy even touts hauling his fifth Is the road to the campground paved? Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Entrance gate hours: March - Nov. 7 AM - 8 PM and Nov. - March: 8 AM - 6 PM. We stopped many times to take photos and enjoy the scenery. Take U.S. 70 for 14 miles east of the I-25/U.S. Lufthansa Flight Hits 'Significant Turbulence;' 7 People Hurt, Forget Blankets This Is the Best Way to Guard Against Hail, Why You Should Put Cooking Spray On Your Shovel, Difference Between A Tornado Watch, Warning And Emergency, Save $50 Off This Golf Simulator With Real Courses, Featured at CES 2023, This Sam's Club Membership Costs Nearly Half the Original Price, Using This Composter Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Great hikes but watch out for snakes in the summertime. Please note that this is not just a campground. This is not an RV park. Its mostly tents with an occasional camper van or pop up. Trailheads for 2 hikes from the upper loop CG. .nTOEE9{height:100%;overflow:hidden;width:100%}.nTOEE9.sqUyGm:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.nTOEE9.C_JY0G:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.HlRz5e{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.HlRz5e img{max-width:var(--wix-img-max-width,100%)}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img{filter:blur(9px);transition:filter .8s ease-in}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img[data-load-done]{filter:none}.I5zqsT{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.rYiAuL{cursor:pointer}.gSXewE{height:0;left:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;width:0}.MVY5Lo{box-sizing:border-box;height:100%;width:100%}.NM_OGj{min-height:var(--image-min-height);min-width:var(--image-min-width)}.NM_OGj img{filter:var(--filter-effect-svg-url);-webkit-mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);-webkit-mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);-webkit-mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);-webkit-mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);-o-object-position:var(--object-position);object-position:var(--object-position)}.v__F4U .MVY5Lo{background-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-radius:var(--rd,5px);border-style:solid;border-width:var(--brw,2px);box-shadow:var(--shd,0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5));display:block;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.v__F4U .NM_OGj{border-radius:calc(var(--sizeRd, var(--rd, 5px)) - var(--sizeBrw, var(--brw, 2px)));overflow:hidden} Beautiful views in every direction. We didn't realize until we found a spot in there and walked back to the road to pa Only small rigs under 25 are allowed. This is a one way, one lane and winding road so changing your mind to return to a campsite might make you complete the loop a second time unless you are in a nimble vehicle. High 68F. Partly cloudy skies. Partly cloudy. Isolated enough to be peaceful, close enough to Las Cruces and White Sands to be convenient. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Want a minute-by-minute forecast for Richmond-Hill, Ontario? I covered 8800 miles in the Odyssey Camper,boondocking often, while traveling to the 2018 Rubber Tramp Rendevous (RTR). Bill foundAguirre Spring Campground, just past Las Cruces, NM in Campendium. No dump station but there is water at the camp host site. Wow. Tennis Has Met Its Match: Play Pickleball at These 45 RV Campgrounds, 18 Campgrounds Where You Can Stay Cool This Summer. The road becomes one-way before you arrive at the campground. Could a 32 foot 5th wheel make it into one of the campsites. We had a spare hose, connected the two and filled up before going to the campground. High 73F. Official websites use .gov The latter was to the side of the path and we startled each other at first. It is no place for gigantic rigs that need generators to run microwaves and ACs. On Thu Apr 5 22:12:08 2007 Devon T Cloud from Dallas said: As promised, I am writing to tell you how my trip went. The Aguirre Spring Recreation Area and Campground is located on the east side of Organ Mountains, east of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. Get more weather bells n whistles. As they stated there's not much in the area if you miss the opening time. - We had the bad judgement to be here over Memorial Day weekend, so there were some big, noisy groups. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Were in site 18, which has awesome views of the peaks on one side and vista views of White Sands on the other. - We had the bad judgement to be here over Memorial Day weekend, so there were some big, noisy groups. Low 47F. The first few sites are located right off the shoulder off the road (#1-5) then there is a loop of maybe two dozen sites off a loop to the right. High 68F. This is a great place to stay. 100% of travelers recommend this experience. We did fine in our 22 5th wheel. Most free sites were eroded or sloped but #8 worked (fortunately no one camped in #6 or #7 which share a parking space continuous to #8). We provide tools and tips to discover Quiet site with grand views. Pit toilets were available and were also clean. D6CEBD The campground includes pit toilets, picnic tables, fire rings, as well as the Baylor Canyon and Pine Tree Trailheads. Alligator juniper, gray oak, mountain mahogany and sotol are a few of the abundant plant species here. Considerable cloudiness. 70 interchange in Las Cruces, then turn south on the Aguirre Spring Road (1.1 miles after San Augustine Pass) for six miles. LATITUDE / LONGITUDE32.36666667, -106.5567608 Paved road in. Partly cloudy. Length 5.5 miElevation gain 2,093 ftRoute type Out & back Get to know this 5.5-mile out-and-back trail near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Accessible via a paved road off US 70 the location is popular for its cooler weather and unique setting. People come here to relax, enjoy the quiet and hike. Organ, NM 88052. more. It's nice they close because you don't have people at all hours of the night driving through (especially if you're in a tent) but it's a huge pain if you don't make it in time. We were surrounded by beautiful mountains. Low 38F. The Aguirre Spring Recreation Area and Campground is located on the east side of Organ Mountains, east of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. We started at about 8:15am and spotted lots of wildlife: deer, roadrunner, cottontail, lizards and even a rattlesnake! visit -. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. The Pine Tree Trail at Aguirre Spring is a 4.5 mile loop with a elevation gain of 1180 feet that took us about 2 hours and 40 minutes to complete. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. All sites have a shade shelter, picnic table, grill and tent pad. Sites 33-55 in the lower loop are only good for tents and vans, and very unlevel. I am assuming that during midweek or offseason you would just about own the place.

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